Spring Meet & Greet Ride and BBQ Bash & Rolling Laconia Event

Event date: 
Sat, 04/26/2025 - 10:00am to 2:00pm


Spring Meet & Greet Ride with the Danbury H.O.G. Chapter, PLUS a 30th Anniversary BBQ Bash and One-Day Rolling Laconia Event

Come out and ride with the Danbury H.O.G. Chapter and see what we're all about!

Open to all riders/motorcycles.

Registration is FREE. 

Our Road Captains will lead a great 1+ hour ride, then we'll head back to the dealership for a Spring BBQ Bash celebrating the 30th Anniversary of H-D of Danbury AND the Danbury H.O.G. Chapter!

Registration 10:00AM at H-D of Danbury

KSU:  10:45

Leader:  Andy P, HRC

Join us for a Spring BBQ Bash afterwards, 12-2PM, with FREE pulled pork and bbq chicken from Twins BBQ, FREE beer from Charter Oak Brewing, plus multiple raffles and chances to win great prizes, gift baskets & more! 

Enter for chances to WIN great prizes (including a motorcycle) with the One-Day Rolling Laconia Event, too! 

Don't miss this!

Event location:
51 Federal Road
H-D of Danbury
Danbury CT 06810

Open Event: This event is open to Chapter members, National H.O.G. members and other guests as desired.  All riders and passengers must sign a release. 

Event Coordinator: