Instructions for RIDE 365 Mileage Entry

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Lauren N
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Instructions for RIDE 365 Mileage Entry


RIDE 365 - Ready, set, go...

Make sure you have your VIN(s) and current odometer photos ready, then just text them Lauren (203-788-6777) or email the info to, and we'll do the rest!

Remember, everyone needs at least two mileage readings entered into the H-D system each year (your annual starting mileage entry PLUS a final reading at the end of the season) to be eligible for RIDE 365 mileage tracking and for miles to accumulate and count for you and the Chapter towards Annual Recognition/Challenges; ideally, a starting mileage early each year to enroll you in the program, then as many updates as you'd like throughout the season until sometime before December 31st when you submit your final odometer reading.  We encourage you to submit mileage updates throughout the year though, you'll accumulate points (up to 15k) and awards from HOG at certain milestones, see below:

The HOG® RIDE 365 program encourages HOG members to accumulate mileage and do more of what they were meant to do - get out and RIDE!  


  • 1,000 Digital badge - 1,000 H-D Membership points
  • 2,500 Digital badge - 1,500 H-D Membership points
  • 5,000 Digital badge - 2,500 H-D Membership points
  • 7,500 Digital badge - 2,500 H-D Membership points
  • 10,000 Digital badge - certificate, patch, 2,500 H-D Membership points
  • 15,000 Digital badge - certificate, patch, 5,000 H-D Membership points
  • 20,000 Digital badge - certificate, patch
  • 25,000 Digital badge - certificate, patch, coin
  • 50,000 Digital badge - certificate, patch, coin
  • 75,000 Digital badge - certificate, patch, coin
  • 100,000 Digital badge - certificate, patch, coin